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  • Идет набор на все программы нового учебного года в нашем офисе (ДК г.Артема, офис 30)! Информация по телефону: 3-14-00

  • Идет набор на все программы нового учебного года в нашем офисе (ДК г.Артема, офис 30)! Информация по телефону: 3-14-00

Главная » Файлы » Литературная копилка » Книги на английском языке

В категории материалов: 8
Показано материалов: 1-8
Sebastian Faulks – Human Traces

Легендарный роман-бестселлер знаменитого британского писателя Себастьяна Фолкса повествует о двух друзьях, открывших психиатрическую больницу в Австрии в конце 19-го века.
С. Льюис – Хроники Нарнии (C. S. Lewis – T...

Знаменитая сказка про удивительную страну Нарнию, в которую можно попасть из волшебного шкафа. Книга включает полное собрание “Хроники Нарнии”, состоящей из семи частей.

Г. Уэллс – Человек-невидимка. (H. G. Wells...

Человек-невидимка – роман, написанный в 1897 году.

Главная мысль романа – попытка опровергнуть идею “сверхчеловека”, согласно которой один человек имеет право господствовать над слабыми и глупыми людьми и даже убивать их.

Сюжет романа: ученый-физик Гриффин изобретает уникальной машины, делающей человека невидимым. Став один раз невидимым, Гриффин решает начать новую жизнь, оставшись невидимкой навсегда.

The Green Mile by Stephen King

Stephen King's The Green Mile.., is about people causing harm to others. Death row in the Louisiana State Penintary is termed as Green Mile, where to be executed prisoners are held till they time to walk on a green floor to the electric chair.
It by Stephen King

They were teenagers when they first stumbled upon the horror. Now it is calling them back to Derry, Maine--a force they cannot withstand, an evil without a name...
The Langoliers by Stephen King

A blind girl, a teacher, a machine worker, a musician, a stoner, a mystery writer, a businessman, a mysterious Englishman, and a raving psychopath in a business suit are on a flight to Boston. When the plane passes through a mysterious time warp, they find themselves utterly alone when the rest of the passengers and all of the crew vanish. Diverting the plane to Bangor, Maine, the survivors manage to land, where as they discover that time seems to stand still and that they seem to be the only people left on the planet. To complicate matters, mysterious creatures called Langoliers are in hot pursuit. The Langoliers' job is to erase moments in time that have already passed into history. The survivors still exist because they were asleep when the plane passed through the warp, and they determine that if they can all be asleep once again when the plane returns, they will survive. However, one passenger must remain awake, and doomed to die, to pilot the plane on its return through the warp.
Cleopatra by Jacob Abbott

Of all the beautiful women of history, none has left us such convincing proofs of her charms as Cleopatra, for the tide of Rome's destiny, and, therefore, that of the world, turned aside because of her beauty. Julius Caesar, whose legions trampled the conquered world from Canopus to the Thames, capitulated to her, and Mark Antony threw a fleet, an empire and his own honor to the winds to follow her to his destruction.

Also known as 'Bill Brown's Radio' this title is part of the 'Radio Boys' juvenile fiction series